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Sluice and Slide Gate Repair Components
Not just parts, solutions.

QUABBIN, 361 Forest Road, Wilton, NH 03086 | Tel: 978-544-3872 | contact@quabbininc.com

Quabbin, Inc. Ships to Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District

Machined thrust nuts, couplings, stem guide bracket assemblies

Nuts and couplings made by Quabbin, Inc. for the MMSD, Milwaukee, WI.

As part of the Phase 4 repairs to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, the hydraulic cylinders of thirteen 25-year old gates were replaced. Dorner Company and Quabbin, Inc. worked together to supply the couplings, thrust nuts and split stem guide assemblies for the job.

Posted: to General News on Fri, Apr 6, 2018
Updated: Tue, Apr 17, 2018


361 Forest Road, Wilton, NH 03086

Tel: 978-544-3872

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