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Sluice and Slide Gate Repair Components
Not just parts, solutions.

QUABBIN, 361 Forest Road, Wilton, NH 03086 | Tel: 978-544-3872 | contact@quabbininc.com

Quabbin, Inc. Provides Components for Sluice Gate Repair in Wisconsin

Stems, thrust nuts, stem guides, operator nuts ship to Lake Delton Dam

Stems, thrust nuts, stem guides and operator nuts were manufactured by Quabbin, Inc. on behalf of the Dorner Company as part of a sluice gate repair project for the Lake Delton Dam. The brackets of the stem guide assemblies were powder coated to meet NSF-61 standards. The stems were each over 20 feet long with 80 inches of threading. Should you need longer stems or longer threading, Quabbin, Inc. is capable of manufacturing stems up to 40 feet long with 360 inches of thread.

Threaded stems with thrust nuts for Lake Delton Dam and Dorner Company
20' long threaded
stems headed to
Lake Delton, WI.

Quabbin, Inc.'s split stem guide bracket assemblies for Lake Delton, WI
Quabbin, Inc.'s split stem guide bracket
assemblies headed to Lake Delton, WI.


361 Forest Road, Wilton, NH 03086

Tel: 978-544-3872

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