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Sluice and Slide Gate Repair Components
Not just parts, solutions.

QUABBIN, 361 Forest Road, Wilton, NH 03086 | Tel: 978-544-3872 | contact@quabbininc.com

Year 1 of Hoover Dam Gate Project Complete

Intake Tower Gate Stem Assemblies Replaced

Hoover Dam’s Upper Nevada intake tower

Quabbin is proud to announce that Year 1 of the project “Replacement of Intake Tower Cylinder Gate Stem Assemblies” at the Hoover Dam is complete. This portion of the project, for which Quabbin engineered and manufactured all of the replacement components, was the repair of the assemblies in the upper Nevada Intake Tower. The five-year project will replace the gate stem assemblies of all four intake towers.

Hoover Dam and four intake towers viewed from upstream.
The replacement gate assemblies for the Upper Nevada Tower (far right) of the Hoover Dam were manufactured by Quabbin.


361 Forest Road, Wilton, NH 03086

Tel: 978-544-3872

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