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Sluice and Slide Gate Repair Components
Not just parts, solutions.

QUABBIN, 361 Forest Road, Wilton, NH 03086 | Tel: 978-544-3872 | contact@quabbininc.com

Quabbin, Inc. Supplies Parts for Lake Scranton Dam Project

Successfully met challenges for underwater installation

Quabbin, Inc. supplied replacement parts for the Pennsylvania American Water Lake Scranton Dam rehabilitation project in Lake Scranton, PA., which included designing new stems, couplings, operator nuts, stem guides, and custom-made couplings to fit the existing stems, which were installed in the early 1900s. This project was very exacting not only because the components had to fit the existing equipment, but also because the installation had to occur under 60' of water. We enjoyed working with Rick Ahlefeld of Progress Marine, Inc., and KC Construction to successfully overcome the challenges of the underwater installation!

Stems and couplings by QUabbin, Inc. for the Lake Scranton Dam rehab project Gears and stem guide assemblies for Lake Scranton, PA/library/KC_Construction_LoadingTruckforLakeScranton_small.jpg

Posted: to General News on Wed, Sep 20, 2017
Updated: Tue, Apr 17, 2018


361 Forest Road, Wilton, NH 03086

Tel: 978-544-3872

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